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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Best reseller webhosting

reseller webhosting web sites

Starting a Web Hosting Company

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 16:10:48 +0000
Rather than use the services of a web hosting company to host your web site you could think of starting a web hosting company by your own. If your business is successful this could provide secondary income and lower the hosting costs for your own site(s).
Basically, starting a web hosting company consists of main two ...]

Slash Guy: an interview with Slashdot founder Rob Malda by Lunarpages' Amy Armitage

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:23:52 GMT
An interview with Slashdot founder Rob Malda by Lunarpages' Amy Armitage. Video on how to manage ftp account on your server. Find what does ftp stand for, the definition of ftp and more on cpanel hosting & online videos to get traffic

reseller webhosting Products we recommend

"I would like to recommend, to anyone looking for a cheap host
with fast support and reliable servers. Recently I had to switch hosts and was
hunting for a new one when I received an email about a post I had made a while
back, they offered me a free 30 days to test them out, and the experience was
excellent. Coincidently it doesn't work out for me to be hosted there due to the
fact that just this morning my comic site was linked to by Penny-Arcade and I
consumed all of Pentium 2.4ghz 1gig Ram server in the space of a few hours. due
to this I had to be kicked off there server to keep it running... I would still
recommend them, as the time I was there the support was very fast and there was
no downtime."

Click Here to go to hostican website.

Communication is needed in all walks of life. This is the reason for us to write this article on reseller webhosting; to communicate it's meaning to everyone.

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